Mission Statement


  •  Teachers and students will be more informed using technology, each is able to use the Internet for research and data collection. Teachers are able to create lessons utilizing Internet sites like YouTube or Discovery.edu keeping information updated. Students studying new technology or business practices are able to research future changes keeping him or her up to date allowing change.  
  •    Organization - technology will allow information to be more organized, pictures can be digitally stored, and students can build personal portfolios. Teachers are able to save lessons, set up blogs, save students work and grades, etc. Organization provides teachers more time to prepare lessons to help engage students in learning. 
  •     Creativity – Students using technology for learning will become more creative. When students are able to be more creative he or she will become more engaged in learning. Most students enjoy personal recognition for his or her work. Technology allows students the opportunity to express what them without embarrassment. 
  •     Connectivity- Students, parents, and teachers are able to stay connected using the internet or blogs. Parents can see student grades or teachers comments daily to keep track of progress. Teachers are able to post assignments and test dates allowing students access anywhere and anytime. Students can hand in assignments from personal computers avoiding paper and a chance of losing assignments.
  •    Engaged – Students will have another way to learn, no boring lecture. Students will participate in online lesson or use learning games to practice. Teachers will be able to keep advanced students occupied while assisting other students. A student who stays engaged in education will have more success in learning.    Censorship – Online content is great for research and learning however it is important to control content. Inappropriate information must be blocked to provide students a safe learning development. Parents monitor content and be aware if predators online. Technology used for bullying or sexual content must be controlled to avoid sever consequences. 
  •  Online classroom– Provide students the opportunity to learn from home or in a computer lab. Students in high school can study electives or attend summer school online. Student with severe disabilities can learn from home without attending ill equipped schools. Students from disadvantaged schools can learn elsewhere without attending school. Homebound students will be able to receive assignments online, cutting cost of sending teachers. Students from distant areas can receive credits without having to waste time traveling. “Traditional school burned through too many daylight hours, so Hathaway started taking online classes through Lutheran High School of Orange County in Southern California, about 1,750 miles away”(Mehta, 2007).

    Interactive – Students will be able to take virtual tours of History, he or she can be part of the action. Students can visit foreign countries using the computer; a student in Japan could attend school in Connecticut. Teachers can use Power teacher to create a virtual universe in her classroom. Students will be excited to learn and explore new information.” The computer technology is used to add a fun-element to education. And it goes without saying that the Internet has endowed education with interactivity” (Articles base, 2009).  



  • Article base (2009, May 11) Impact of technology on education. Retrieved from http://www.articlesbase.com/k-12-education-articles/impact-of-technology-on-education-910291.html#ixzz1GLvG6uHb  may 11, 2009
  • Mehta, S. (2007), More students across US logging on to online classrooms, Retrieved from, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/02/18/more_students_across_us_logging_on_to_online_classrooms/

One Response to Mission Statement

  1. karon Rowe says:

    good website keep building

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